Saint Lucia National Economic Fund

Saint Lucia National Economic Fund (the Fund)

Saint Lucia National Economic Fund is a special fund established under Section 33 of the Citizenship by Investment Act for the sole purpose of receiving qualifying investments of cash for funding government sponsored projects.

The Minister for Finance is required each financial year to gain approval from Parliament for allocation of funds for specified purposes.

Once an application for citizenship by means of an investment in the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund has been approved, the following minimum investment is required.

Where the applicant elects to make the contribution to the Fund to qualify, the contribution requirements are as follows:-

Saint Lucia National Economic Fund: US$ 240,000 (With Main Applicant & Up to 3 Qualifying Dependants)

Each additional qualifying dependent under 18 years of age: US$ 10,000

Each additional qualifying dependent above 18 years of age: US$ 20,000

New-born child of a citizen who is twelve months of age or below: US$ 5,000

Spouse of a citizen: US$ 35,000

Qualifying dependants of a citizen other than a spouse: US$ 25,000